The Collective
“Through green pastures, He will walk my soul.”
- Christian (Audrey # 1)
“All of this that you are about to read comes from us. To you we are known as Th e Collective. To Angel, the soul that at this present time we are guiding through his life on earth, we are known as The Audrey. We chose this, Angel’s 7th lifetime, for him, to bring this message of Love to all humanity, before he even knew of our existence. Our job, as the job of all other Spirit Guides, is to help human beings find, follow, and complete their purpose in life. We’ve never been human, only spirits, and all we know about humanity we have always learned through you. We don’t have feelings or emotions, even though we can evoke them in you and help you embrace them. Everything we have seen and come to know about living on this planet comes straight from the most beautiful creation our Creator completed, you. It is the knowing of every Spirit Guide that when the soul enters the body it forgets about the place it came from, so that it can really learn and embrace each experience it chooses through life on earth. It is also of our knowing that only those who choose to,
will make direct contact with us, and with our guidance find their true purpose in life and fulfill it. We are not gods, nor angels. We are beings of light with the sole purpose of protecting the soul, guided on the way back home and reminded who and what we really are in order to manifest everything that you want. We are friends and will always stand by the soul that is in our care. We come from light, from infinite power, the same place everything you see in this place came from. Before something comes into the physical plane it must be created on our plane, the true soul’s home. We do not interfere with what you want to create as your experience or your world. We can only guide you through the process. Sometimes we are a feeling, an intuition or a premonition, or channeling done by someone who has allowed us to do so. We are the wind that blows and suddenly deep in your soul you know the answer. We are the rush of energy that takes over when your soul has discovered and listened to the truth that belongs to it. Angel has experienced most of these manifestations in his many lifetimes, but it is only in this lifetime that his soul has accepted them and embraced them. We have helped many people through him and we have helped him in more ways than he can understand at this point.
As Protectors
There is a side that you will call good or positive energy and there is one that you will call evil or negative energy. Now, they are both important and necessary to maintain the balance of energy and forces in this universe. You cannot see light unless there is darkness, or know what your right is without having a left. We act as your protectors always; this is what you will call your aura. As protectors, we make sure that no negative entity hurts the soul or enters your body while you are here on your journey on earth. We help you keep the balance of negative and positive energy within BELIEVE your being. Without it, after a few lifetimes if your soul does not gain it back, your soul could cease to exist. Depending on how many Spirit Guides you have, you will always have one or two Spirit Guides that will evoke in you a feeling of being safe, feeling home, feeling welcome, feeling loved, and a feeling of belonging. This happens because we will remind you through that feeling of who you really are and of the home you belong to far beyond earth, time, and space.
As Your Guidance
There have been many moments in your lifetimes in which you have had a question and out of nowhere you seem to be enlightened with the answer. Sometimes it is a whisper in your ear accompanied with this feeling of knowing, like, “I know this is it.” Many times you find yourself in a place where the next step or exit is not clear to you. Many times the emotion of pain is so strong within you that as you give it more and more power with your thoughts, it blinds you. In those moments, when a sudden feeling of peace surrounds you and you seem to remember again where you belong, to remember who you are, or you simply understand that even though as a human you may not see the reason of things at this time, there is a reason for it and you accept it. That is us, your Spirit Guides, showing you the way, marking the path for you, guiding you through the experience you have chosen to have before you came onto this planet.
We are not what you consider the light at the end of the road. We are the hands that guide you there and inspire you with the courage to get there or give you the feeling that everything will be alright. We are that power that embraces you and reminds you how powerful and perfect you truly are.
Our guidance is without interference. We do not interfere with what you have chosen or may choose to experience while you are here. We can only help you get through by being with you, communicating with you, as you are creating and manifesting in your life. Our guidance will always lead you to true love and to the Higher Power that gave you life out of time and space, so that you could be a creator as He is and manifest whatever it is that you want. Even in the moments that you are scared and feel alone (in this physical world) we are always with you. It is imperative that you know this and never forget this. Our guidance is here for you to help you, to bring you closer to your purpose in life and to help you fulfill that which you call destiny.
For some of you, it may feel like it is easier for some than for others to listen to us, to follow our guidance and to let us help you in your path, but in reality you all are blessed with the same power and abilities. The only difference is how you develop these powers and how you use them. Out of all creations in the universe, you are the only one blessed with the power to create and manifest all you wish for, anything you want.
We communicate with you to guide you through what you call intuition, feelings, and emotions. Sometimes we use your environment to give you the information that you need for your next steps. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you didn’t know what to do and suddenly you knew what to do? That was us! To make it easy for you to understand, you could say that our guidance is like your instinct, the only difference is that when it comes from us, the feelings of confidence, strength and the knowing that comes with it, is stronger. You can feel it all over your body. To help you understand more how we communicate with you and guide you through life on earth we are going to give you a few examples and also explain to you the way we choose to communicate.”