You are Creation and Creator.
Focusing your mind on being fully aware of your thoughts is the first step to understanding your power as a creative being. What are you thinking? Become aware of your body: your feelings. What are you feeling? Become aware of your actions. What are you doing? Expand your awareness. Remain conscious.
Who I am
Keeping “who I am” separate from “what I do” requires detachment.
I step into different roles at different times:
- being “the son” when I’m with my parents;
- being “the designer” when I’m at work;
- being “the guide” when I’m with friends;
- being “the romantic” when I’m with my lover.
I find a multiple array of personas playing this “game of life”. However, beneath all of these personas that I like to attach “myself” to, that I allow to identify with exists an ever-present consciousness that is aware that it is observing my “game of life”.
We were all born into a physical body with a family and a set of life circumstances that we all chose and agreed to experience before we came here. Every experience we knew we would need, we chose before we entered our physical form. This is the “game of life” that we agreed to play a role in before entering into this physical realm.
Who was I before I came here? I was original soul energy – an integral part of the All-Knowing One. And this is who I am right now. You see, soul energy (or all energy for that matter) cannot be destroyed or created: it has and always will be in existence. So you could say that we are really soul energy visiting here in a physical body. We are “just visiting”, soon to move onto other realms of light and love. This life is not a destination. It is a visitation – it is transitory, just like all things in this Universe.
For example, you don’t go on vacation and think to yourself “This is it”.
You go to enjoy the experience of allowing, of letting go, of getting back in touch with yourself (or that which makes you happy).
Have you ever thought about where the words “vacation” or “holiday” come from? Well, one comes from the word “vacate” meaning “to leave” where we were before. The other comes from the word “holy” alluding to that which is sacred and special to us. Why is it then that we have to “leave” our current situation or life to reach that which is sacred or divine?
Why can’t we find that which is sacred and special to us, that we do it every day of our lives? This is the question we should be asking ourselves. In finding the answer, we would never have to take another day’s “leave” in our lives – every moment of our lives would be “sacred” and “special” to us.
Getting “back in touch” with that which feeds our souls is why we are here. The Divine wants us to celebrate and enjoy every single moment here! “So why don’t we?” you ask. Well, because we have been trained to conform to be something that “we are not”. And this something that“we are not” is being experienced by us to remind us of “who we are”.
We have been taught to fill our path with “obstacles”, so that we believe that “struggle” is part of life. It wouldn’t be if we just let go and trust!
Because the universal flow of this energy force is akin to the flow of water (and you don’t see water flowing up a mountain side do you?) it springs from its source and flows in the direction of least resistance to eventually return to its source. Just like we do as souls on a journey returning to our source.
How much happier would you feel if you just let go? If you stopped clinging desperately out of fear? If you just released yourself from the daily struggle within? Can you imagine the freedom your soul would feel? How much more energy you would have doing what you really love, being who you always wanted to be, making a difference in the world that excited you every time you thought about it?
The art of letting go and discovering that which moves you within is an invaluable tool in navigating your reconnection back to Source. Am I Being True to Who I Am? My light, my dark. Who am I now? Yes I can point fingers and look outside for who I am. I can be the judge however if I choose to judge outside of myself I must judge that which is inside myself (which is in and of itself the same thing). The outer world mirrors the inner world. The outer illusion is the result of our inner creation – isn’t that just beautiful! The imagery being projected on your screen is yours to direct – is yours to create! So create with a focused mind and a conscious heart!
Rather than resent or judge others or yourself, choose to see this reality of light and dark within you as the whole of who you are (a whole human being) with an infinite range of experiences to choose from. You are free to choose your experiences as you wish. Your experiences don’t depend on outer circumstances but rather on the lens you choose to see or feel them through. Which lens are you choosing? Choose consciously because it is shaping your perception which,in turn, is determining your experience, and your life in present time.
We can learn how to release ourselves from being judged and judging others. We can say to ourselves “I choose to be free of judgement and criticism. I release it and embrace the whole spectrum of life as “human nature” – all of us nurturing what we need to in some way or another.
Embrace yourself. Embrace the whole of yourself. Take a moment to feel the infinite choices right at your fingertips.These moments are yours to mould, bend and sculpt in any which way you wish to: a massive blank canvas just waiting, just beckoning to be nurtured and adorned with your genius. You are the master. You are the chosen one. Embrace your genius. Awaken your awareness...