If you are reading this, then there must be some reason why this book has brought your attention. “One Thought To Be Taken Once A Day” has been created for people who like you have felt attracted somehow by it. Maybe by the title, maybe by the story behind the author or by some other still unknown reason. If you think you have come across this book by chance, think twice. What’s inside yourself that attracted you to it?
I wouldn’t like to suggest that it is possible this book will help you to work through some of the less than easy challenges in your role as a health professional, being more in charge of your own life while helping you to grow towards self actualization.
It is well known that health professionals experience high levels of stress, making them more prone to suffer from high blood pressure, ulcers, cancer and even early deaths. This has a tremendous impact on patient care.
This book will teach you how to keep your core self protected while juggling the demands of job and life.
Just take one thought once a day and absorb its therapeutic effect.
One thought to be taken once a day
1) Caring about my staff with love will help me to understand myself better.
2) I care about optimising my relationship with my colleagues. I’m asking myself “What has to be true for this person to react like that?” “ What kind of thoughts this person must have in order to react like that?” “What does he believe about himself?” This helps me to understand my colleagues.
3) There is something within me that pushes me to transcend. Sharing my knowledge will make me somehow immortal. I decide to share my knowledge openly with the new generations of staff and I’m starting to notice what the benefits are for me too.
4) What makes me happy or sad is my mind. Today I will focus on thinking happy thoughts and hopeful thoughts for myself, my patients and my staff.
5) Sometimes all that your patient needs is a “human being”, not a “human doing” who is so busy who can’t establish eye contact or a “human having” full of qualifications. And… yes, of course, you can be the three of them.
6) I like to promote my patient’s intuition too so they can help me more with the diagnoses and description of the effects the medication has in their bodies.
7) Stress maintained over time raises cortisol levels suppressing the ability of the body to repair itself. By taking care of my mental health I can do something to be in control of my cortisol levels.
8) Changing how you feel about something will shift automatically your behaviour. Did you know you get to choose how you feel about things?
9) There’s no such a thing as a bad day I’m just having another opportunity to grow while learning. I love getting feedback from my bad days. How good are my bad days!
10) Without my thoughts my world wouldn’t exit. What would I like to create with my thoughts today? A happy experience or a bad one?
11) All my colleagues are doing the best they know and can with what it is available to them at any moment in time. That includes me too.
12) Next time you see a patient pay attention to your energy. Does your energy go up or down? Do you feel anything in your heart? Do you feel uplifted or constricted? Do you feel connection with him? And try to modify you energy around the situation. You could be very pleasantly surprised to discover new things you didn’t know before.
13) Give someone a hug; you’ll be stimulating the growth hormone that contributes to stimulate the immune system, balances blood pressure and settles the mood.
14) I educate my patients about how they have to listen to their bodies and trust what the body has to say to them in order to cooperate in the healing of the illness.
15) I’ve realised that to overcome fear I have to become calm to allow courage to neutralise it. I become calm by focusing in my gentle breathing.
16) Today while I’m having a break at work I choose to enjoy slowly my coffee and as I start feeling good I say nice things about my colleagues. I observe what impact this makes to my life. I never thought something so simple could be so powerful.
17) When one of the parts of my body is painful, I focus on which other parts of my body are working well. This removes my obsession with my symptoms and allows my immune system to do its job.
18) I recognize that my patients have their own boundaries and they are to be respected. I ask politely before any procedure and calibrate the body language as well as listening to what my patient has to say. I observe how their words and body language are a match.
19) It’s becoming easier for me to recognize when I’m angry and I look for positive ways I can think of to express it in different more positive ways.
20) I allow myself to adapt well to the changes in my department.
21) It’s the thoughts and beliefs which make the difference between a bad behaviour and a good one. What kind of thoughts would I allow my mind to have?
22) When I feel I don’t want something I don’t tend to use negative words to describe it. Instead I choose what I want out of it and suddenly I start to see myself talking positive words about a situation that was previously negative.
23) My thinking is determinant of how I present myself to the world. How do I wish people to see me?
24) When I choose my food wisely, it gives me the gift of nourishment. The growth and well being of my cells depend on the energy healthy food provides. In the same way I choose healthy thoughts to feed my mind. A healthy thought is the one that keeps in harmony with who I really am. Nobody needs to know what I think. I can decide if I want to share my thoughts or not with others.
25) I may not be aware how sometimes I allow other people’s fears to get into me. When I feel scared I first check inside if those fears are the product of someone who said something to me or if they are my own real fears. If they are not mine, would I hold onto them?