Our Main True Self in The Void
Our main true self is not the one that resides within our heart – this true self is only a small part. Our main true self resides beyond all dimensions, known as the Void.
All true selves are in the Void. The true self of every human and other beings that have true selves can be found in the Void. There is nothing but true selves and True Source’s Blessing in the Void. Thus, it is a mistake to think that visions seen during meditation such as planets, buildings, or any other forms come from the Void.
All true selves in the Void are directly in front of True Source. No true self is behind another true self. No true self can hide behind another. There are true selves that are lower, farther from True Source, and they are smaller and dimmer than the true selves that are closer to True Source. The location and the condition of each true self do not reflect age, power, or knowledge of each true self; rather they reflect each true self’s surrendering attitude to True Source.
Illustration 7 shows that:
o all true selves are directly in front of the Creator. No true self is behind any other true selves.
o true selves that are farther from the Creator are always smaller and dimmer compared to the true selves who are closer to the Creator.
Again, where a true self is and its condition are not based on its age, power, or even its knowledge. How close a true self is to the Creator and how big and how bright it is depend on how much each true self surrenders to the Creator.
The most important message after all of this information about our true self in the Void is: the location and the condition of a true self depends on how much each true self surrenders to the Creator. This is the KEY to spiritual progress (the progress of every spirit/true self).
With regard to the connection between our main true self in the Void and our true self within our heart, know that the small part of our true self within our heart helps our true self to learn the best from being in a physical human form and living life in this physical realm.
The Spirit School
In addition to our main true self that is in front of the Creator in the Void, our true self is also in a special place that we shall refer to as the spirit school.
The class system in the spirit school is different from the earthly school that we know of in terms of who runs the classes and the going up and down the class levels.
o A class is led by a main guide who is a student in a higher class (one level above). This main guide is also helped by several classmates.
o Because the lessons are about realizations which are reflected in the attitude of the whole self, it is possible for true self to go up or down a level at any moment.
o All true selves are in this school of spirits.
Spiritual Guides
Many people are looking for their spiritual guides on earth with the hope of being able to learn directly from their spiritual guides because they want to progress spiritually. This is actually not a good idea for the following reasons:
• what the spiritual guides can teach us on earth has been taught to us in the spirit school
• the spiritual guides themselves have not completed the lessons; they themselves are still learning and are limited in what they know, understand, or realize.
Many people, in their enthusiastic quest to find their spiritual guides in this world, are learning about matters they consider spiritual from someone who is actually in a lower-level class in the spirit school. One can only imagine the consequences of doing that.
It is important to know that one main topic of the lessons given in the spirit school is: every true self has to follow his/her own Inner Heart because Inner Heart is the spark of True Source that receives direct guidance from True Source – this is beyond what any spiritual guide of any level can offer.
Realizations are the Lessons
In addition to the main lesson of using and following our Inner Heart, another set of lessons in the spirit school is usually closely related to the main lesson given in the planning dimension. A note on the planning dimension: our form in the planning dimension is our non-physical body with our soul as the center of consciousness as there is no true self in the planning dimension. Our guide in the planning dimension is usually the same guide we have in the spirit school.
In the planning dimension, our guide discussed with us important lessons that we need to learn, and based on our previous actions, we were given choices of different lives. More detailed information on the planning dimension can be read in Spiritual Journey.
Recognizing the main lessons that were assigned to us in the planning dimension for this life is very important. Recognizing these lessons is actually not difficult; all we have to do is look at the “challenges” we experience in our daily life. By “challenges,” I do not mean life adversities or worldly situations (things that are outside of ourselves), but our own traits, attitudes, and characteristics such as:
o arrogance
o anger
o jealousy
o irresponsibility
o etc.
This is why we are given this life. This life is a facility to directly experience what needs to be learned so that our true self can get a more-complete and deeper understanding and realizations of the real lessons.
All True Selves are in the Spirit School.
All true selves who have not fulfilled their highest nature completely, regardless of their level, are in this spirit school without any exception. All true selves, except for those in the lowest class, are both students (in their own class) and guides (for the lower-level class) with main responsibilities, and sometimes they are also helped by classmates.