Witnessing Conversations with Heaven

A True Story of Love From The Afterlife

by Susan H. Kastner

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/08/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781452554204
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781452554181

About the Book

What would you give to have a daily conversation with a lost soul mate, whether it is a spouse, parent, sibling, relative, child, or best friend? Dr. Liong Tee understood that need when his soul mate passed away.

Consider the possibility there have been many signs from your loved one, both big and small, that were right in front of you all the time but you simply failed to recognize them. Have you ever asked yourself why you keep experiencing a familiar smell, a certain shape, a distinctive color, a special flower, or perhaps a favorite animal that appears over and over again, reminding you of your lost loved one? Or did you simply brush those incidents aside, dismissing them as only being a coincidence?

Based on his written journals, follow Dr. Tee’s incredible story of conversations, signs, and messages received from his lost soul mate, Jan, since her passing in June 2008.

About the Author

While living with Jan and Liong during the last two years of Jan’s life, Susan’s world was transformed by their warmth, love, and humor. The blessings Susan received compelled her to share Jan’s incredible story and to bring comfort and inspiration to her readers. Susan resides in Las Vegas, Nevada.