A Guide for Compassion in Political Power

by Sylvia Weber

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/06/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 82
ISBN : 9781452553382

About the Book

Are we involved in politics from the moment of conception? Is there such a thing as family politics, politics in friendships and at the workplace? Is politics more global than government? Sylvia Weber, MSN, CNS, the author of A Guide for Compassion in Political Power believes that the answer to these questions is YES! Sylvia discusses the role of power and control—is it for us , for power over others, or to use and share for the good of the many? Do we live our lives consciously in the moment, aware of the impact we have for today and the future? Have we integrated our spirituality into how we live our lives? What is compassion and its role in our interactions with others and the world around us? How do the concepts of power, control, consciousness, spirituality, and compassion relate to all political arenas? Sylvia answers these questions, as well as sharing strategies for being more comfortable with ourselves and how to bring compassion into all the political arenas we’re involved in. Even though A Guide for Compassion in Political Power is applicable in all of life, almost all of the examples are related to government politics.

About the Author

SYLVIA WEBER is a clinical nurse specialist at the Miriam Hospital Department of Psychiatry, the government relations consultant for the Rhode Island State Nurses Association, and is on the American Nurses Association-Political Action Committee board of trustees. Sylvia, her daughters Ilene and Susan, and their families live in Rhode Island.

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