Predicting the Future
Imagine that your life is like sitting in a train. You know that you are moving. The roof, walls and floor are constants but you cannot see out the windows, so this limits your knowledge of what is happening outside the train.
Occasionally there is a person who is actually able to put their head out the window of the train and see what is up ahead. They report back to the other people, “If we keep going at this speed, if we keep heading in the direction we are going now, if nothing changes on the train tracks, then we are heading for disaster. There is a huge rock blocking our path and if we keep going the way we are now, the train will crash!”
However, and this is a big but, things can change. What this person sees ahead is only probability and a possibility. Yes, if we keep doing the same thing, yes, if we do nothing to change things, then disaster of a particular kind is imminent and probable.
We have the power to change the future. We could, for instance, when we come to a fork in the tracks, choose to take an alternative route around the big rock and all will be well.
Or, we could send a work party up the tracks to move the rock off the tracks.
Or, we could invent a new laser that will blast it off the tracks and allow us to continue safely. We are infinitely creative beings and there is always a solution to every problem.
Of course, we cannot just keep travelling along in our train and just hope that somehow things will be okay. We have been warned that our present course of action will cause us to crash into the big rock, so now it is up to us to find a solution to this problem.
Do not listen to the doom and gloom merchants. This is fear based and therefore man made. If you want to know if something is truly for our highest good use this litmus test. If it is fear based it is not of the spirit.
There is a very interesting video on YouTube by Hans Rosling graphically showing the progress and development of 200 countries over 200 years. His prognostication is that health and wealth is a possibility for everyone. Well worth watching.
We need to keep in mind that the future is not set in concrete. It is possibilities and probabilities.
We always have choices and, whatever we choose, we have the power to make it happen!
Challenging Fear
I would like to share two techniques for overcoming fear that have worked well in my own life.
The first technique is one that I learned at the Silva Seminar in the dream segment. I have always remembered my dreams and can recall multiple dreams upon waking in the morning. I have also instinctively felt that they were significant. I think the use of dreams to enhance our lives is vastly under used and under rated in our society.
The technique is quite simple. If you are aware of a recurring nightmare then, just as you are about to fall asleep, you program yourself in the following way:
When I have this nightmare again of being chased by horrible people I will stop, turn around and ask them
“Who are you and what do you want?”
They must tell you!
The first time I did this I was once again being chased and I can remember being afraid in my dream but I had promised myself that I would confront IT. So I took my courage in my hands, turned around and asked
“Who are you and what do you want?”
I can still remember quite vividly all these years later the very next segment of my dream. I remember sitting at a small round table with a dark haired man. We had numerous cups of coffee and we talked for hours and hours. I cannot remember one word of that conversation but the dream of being chased has never recurred.
Such a simple and effective little technique and so very useful. I dare you to try it!
The next technique is one that I really like and it has also proved to be very efficacious.
The first step is to recognise and “name” your fear.
A few years ago I attended a large conference in Sydney. I had a terrible time, things went wrong from the first and I was not happy. I couldn’t leave, since my flights and accommodation were pre-booked so I was stuck for the duration.
Finally, on the Sunday morning I ended up in tears. I went to get a cup of coffee and was going to sit quietly somewhere and try to regain my equanimity.
However, someone I knew grabbed me and sat me down at her table. She could see I was upset and asked what was wrong. After my litany of woes she said “So, you feel abandoned.”
My first reaction was to deny it. No, of course not….but then I realised she had hit the nail on the head. I was feeling abandoned and I did not like the feeling at all.
I had not realised that Fear of Abandonment was an issue in my life, but once she had voiced it, I recognised what was happening. When my only brother died, I thought I had dealt with all the issues, but apparently not. Twenty five years had passed, and although I was not still mourning him, yet I had not fully dealt with the issue of Abandonment in my life.
If you choose, you can deal with your Fear now. If you choose, you can re-bury it in the backyard (until it resurfaces in the next cycle).
So, having recognised and “named” my Fear, the next step presented itself……to challenge fear to a duel!
Out loud say something like
“Okay, Fear of having No Money (or Fear of Lack, or Fear of Abandonment), I challenge you to a duel. We’ll meet at midday in the backyard!”
When you turn up you will find that Fear is not there. As soon as you face your fear and openly and bravely challenge IT, the fear dissolves. Fear, after all, is an illusion.
If you have read the book “The Journey Home” you will know that Michael Thomas eventually challenged his fear and overcame IT. In the course of his journey, the angel gave him the equipment he needed for his fight with Fear– the armour of Light, Truth, Knowledge and Understanding. These too, are your weapons, if you choose them.
Darkness cannot continue to exist where there is Knowledge and Light. There can be no more secrets. Secret Societies will no longer hold sway, conspiracies cannot flourish and politicians can no longer lie with impunity.
The real reason why we choose not to lie is because it weakens our defence. How are you able to use the sword of truth against Fear if you lie to others and to yourself?
I have always thought that lies are a lot of trouble. You have to remember what you told to whom and when. Then you find that they come back to you and bite you on the bum so that is not much fun. Remember that when you lie it goes out in a great big circle in front of you, gathers momentum as it travels and in due course returns to you ten-fold. So if you lie, you will be lied to in return and the effect will be more devastating.
Remember too that one of the reasons we are here on this earth plane is to face the challenges of our fears and to overcome them. If you choose not to face your fears, there is no judgement. However, the opportunities for you to face and overcome your fears will keep cycling around in your life. And they will just keep cycling round and round until or when you choose to confront them and thus rob Fear of its power.
To choose to face and overcome Fear is a very freeing and empowering experience. You feel “Lighter”.
If each person on this planet were able to reduce their own personal “fear factor” by a mere ten percent, terrorism would cease to exist!
Remember that fear is an illusion.
Remember that the Light is always more powerful than the Dark.
Do you dare to duel?