Messages from Within

Finding Meaning in Your Life Experiences

by Kathleen O'Malley DC

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/02/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781452544502
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781452544496

About the Book

This is a story of Love. A mother’s love and desire for a child she feels is supposed to be. It is a story of Hope. How infinite hope can be a blanket of peace. And, this is a story of Faith. How each life has a Divine life force within, guiding and loving them into full existence. In the middle of her journey, this mother realizes that she herself is that child who was meant to be.

But, this is not just one woman’s story. She is not the only person to ever live this. Each life is an expression of Divine love and has meaning. Every being is a messenger with an inborn gift that is meant to be shared with others. We have all been given a choice. To see Life as a series of painful and meaningless challenges or to allow each experience to help us blossom into all we were created to be.

Just as light is born out of darkness, beauty can be born out of pain. Healers are born out of hurts. And, messengers are often broken open so that they can receive the message and make use of their inborn gift that is meant for the rest of humanity.

This book is for anyone who has ever cried out, “Okay God, I’m doing the very best I can. What’s the message? What am I not getting here?” It will encourage you to honor all you have been, along the way to becoming who you are right now.

It will forever change the way you see your own life experiences, offering you the chance to believe once again, like a child.

About the Author

Kathleen O'Malley, DC, is co-owner of O'Malley Health and Wellness Center located in North Grafton, Massachusetts, and has been helping others improve their overall health and well-being through health, personal growth, and spirituality. She has kept journal entries since childhood, allowing her to witness the underlying order in her own grace-filled life. She grew up in the Caribbean and now lives in Worcester, Massachusetts, with her husband and daughter. She credits this book to all of her children, who have made contact with her physically and spiritually.