Afghanistan through an Infantryman's Eyes

by Isaac Kawika Nahakū ‘elua

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/12/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 68
ISBN : 9781452542805

About the Book

Walk with me in my footsteps, and I will take you through parts of Afghanistan where you can see through my eyes. Follow the footsteps of a proud Airborne Infantry Soldier seeking God amid war and combat.

About the Author

While on the front lines in Eastern Afghanistan for one year, war brought me extremely close to God. I survived many near-death experiences and learned how to create a sense of identity within a person in order to use their heart and mind as game pieces to win over a country’s resources.

I moved back to my home in Hilo, Hawaii, and asked my family how our ancient Hawaiian ancestors navigated through life, because I did not want to live by some person’s idea that was based from a vainglorious pursuit. My family told me that they were taught to follow the Aloha Spirit—that omnipotent spirit of love that connects everyone. Follow the advice from people’s hearts and the calling in nature, because that is God calling you; if you listen to Him, He will give your soul certain images to help other souls navigate through life.

I live in Hilo, Hawaii, and I am on an exciting adventure through life, in which my mission from God is to share an ancient Hawaiian philosophy of navigating through life by listening to the Aloha Spirit. I have my undergraduate degree in psychology, and I am currently working on a master’s degree in social work.