Jingle Bell Disorder

the doing, the undoing and the overdoing of Christmas

by Jean-Marie Denning

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/11/2014

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781452597829
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781452597805

About the Book

When is a celebration a celebration? Jingle Bell Disorder explores ways to add more jingle to our daily lives. It is about discovering the key elements of Christmas and integrating them as a way to live. By living connected to one’s spirit on a daily basis, a Christmas celebration can be a seamless, sensible celebration. This book explores ways to live our lives connected to our spirits, so it becomes natural to live with increased peace, love, and joy. Peace can seem as illusive as a butterfly in the forest. Everyone is looking for ways to hold on to it and experience more of it. This book explores ways of ordering our lives to make allowance for peace as an expanded way to live a more peaceful existence. Throughout the book there is an invitation to journey from Jingle Bell Disorder to Jingle Bell Order. When one arrives at Jingle Bell Order, life becomes full of wonder and awe. It is like a living heaven on earth. Everyone brings their own unique gifts to the table. Giving is a way of life. In JBO, everyone tingles and jingles with pure delight. Backcover illustrated by Lisa Lavoie www.lalatopia.com lisa@lalatopia.com

About the Author

Jean-Marie Denning is a personal empowerment facilitator that inspires others to live their best lives. She is a generalist by nature with a keen interest in matters of the heart and spirit. She captures moments and relays them through her writing as a way to encourage harmonic co-existence. She has written three other books: Three Lives, Once Was Enough and Building a Heart.