I first met Dan Kelly in a museum gift shop.
Setting out for a leisurely drive, no destination in mind, I found myself drawn to the town of Glenrowan. When I entered the town, it felt as though I’d entered another world. The presence of sprits was alarmingly strong, and I could hear horses galloping and men yelling. I pulled over and got out of my car to watch these in spirit gallop up the main street. I stood in awe as I realized exactly who these spirits were – considering where I was, there was little doubt – and I felt privileged to have been allowed to view them at such close proximity.
Rather than leave Glenrowan and head back home, as I’d intended, I felt the need to take a look in the Ned Kelly Museum. Not knowing the story of the siege or the Kelly’s lives at all, what lie ahead came as quite a surprise.
I walked around the small display area, familiarizing myself with the history of the Kelly family as it is presented in pictures and panel displays. It’s a small place, full of sadness. Although the museum itself is rather well-lit, a feeling of darkness and gloom pervades.
Uncomfortable with this energy, I made my way for the exit. Then, on my right-hand side, Dan Kelly appeared in full manifestation and angrily asked me to ask the management of the museum to take down the picture of his charred body. He said that it upsets him greatly, that people view his remains.
I did not do what Dan asked of me that day, although I did so some years later. Instead, I turned away and walked out. I am unaware if the picture is still on display.
Time went on and I tried to block the whole ordeal. Until Ned Kelly appeared in full manifestation and asked if I would return to Glenrowan to see his brother Dan. I was overwhelmed. Ned’s presence is one of great strength, and I must say I felt most privileged to have witnessed this honourable spirit.
So of course I went back to Glenrowan.
I met Dan again. This time he told me he was still alive when they burned the pub, and that he did not escape the fire. I didn’t know what to make of this. Of course he hadn’t escaped the fire; the picture certainly proved that. It wasn’t until several weeks later that the magnitude of this message became apparent, when I saw a newspaper article claiming that Dan Kelly had escaped the pub fire and went to live in Queensland.
I knew then that I could not drop this, as I had been told the truth from Dan in spirit prior to the statement in the paper. My next step as a medium was to find out how I could help Dan.
It became apparent that Dan is trapped in Glenrowan, as it was always Ned to remind me to travel there. Dan carries the pain of those awful events to this day, and his spirit is in a state of dismay. The energy that keeps both Dan and Ned trapped, the pain and anger that keep them earthbound, is caused by things that take place today that keep the so-called legend alive and keep both Dan and Ned earthbound.
Channelling Dan was sometimes a sad thing to do. On one occasion, he showed me a vision of a hat. I didn’t understand the significance of this at the time, but have since seen pictures of Dan in this same hat. He looked very proud and dignified, not at all the wild bushranger of local legend.
Many times I would put off travelling to Glenrowan, and at these times Ned would appear in full manifestation, on his brother Dan’s behalf, and place my attention back on the unfinished work. The fact that I was aware of their turmoil prompted me to return - and the ongoing reminder visits from Ned were a little hard to just brush aside.
During the course of my many visits to Glenrowan to hear Dan and Ned out, it became apparent that the date “28 June” was significant. It turns out that the date Dan showed me this hat was 28 June. On another occasion, Dan actually asked if I could return on 28 June, which of course I did. This date, I would later learn, was the date of the siege, and of Dan’s death.
Dan would always appear upon my arrival at Glenrowan, always in an unhappy state. During one trip there were diggings taking place in Glenrowan and this upset and stirred Dan’s spirit up to a very high degree.
After my first few visits to Glenrowan, I knew I was being contacted for a reason, but was uncertain of the path I was being asked to take. I understood that Dan was certainly unhappy, as he placed a great deal of emphasis on this, but I was still unaware of how I was expected to get Dan and Ned’s message out. Then a friend of mine, Cathy, who is a gifted soul, phoned me up and told me “Ned Kelly woke me up last night at about 3am and asked if I would tell you to just finish the book. Will you just do it so I can get some sleep?”
So I got the message! Now I knew what had to be done to put this message out for Ned and Dan to carry out their release. I was committed. Whether or not I thought I could carry this exercise out was another matter, but it was irrelevant in comparison to the energy that Dan and Ned are trapped in today. This and this alone is the sole reason why I’ve committed to releasing their message: to release their spirits to a higher realm.
At times the task seemed impossible to achieve, and I had to revert back to basics and realize that I was only the messenger; that the message is not for me.
Dan and Ned’s request of freedom is not a big ask. They just wish for the focus to be taken off them, and would like very much for the term “legend” not to be used. Peace and serenity is what Dan and Ned seek, and not to be judged. Peace, serenity, and freedom from judgement are what they seek. The pain Dan and Ned felt during their time of running, hiding and ambush is never considered, only judged. And it continues to this day.
I do not care for the disbelief some people have for the spirits that are trapped on the earth plane. For one reason or another, in this particular event with Dan and Ned Kelly, the message is a strong one, and I was chosen to be the one to deliver it.
People’s views will always differ.
What follows is a transcription of my encounters with the Kellys. Some of these encounters were clairvoyant, some were clairaudial, some were conversational. I have tried to indicate, through use of bold print and italics, which is which and where one switches to the next. Everything is written here as I experienced it. Where certain words or names were hazy, I did my best to understand, and filled in the proper word or name after some research. I did not want to paraphrase Dan or Ned’s communication; I did not want the message to get lost through misinterpretation.
When the majority see the position Dan and Ned Kelly’s sprits are in, the ripple effect will begin and the shift will take place, beginning the realization of what needs to take place in order to set Dan and Ned Kelly’s spirits free.
Delta Shannon
31 May 2011