Love Never Dies

by Charlotte Belcher

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/11/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781452542119
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781452542102

About the Book

Cassy Davis tries to remember the details of the delicious, earthshaking sex in her dream, despite the irritating snoring coming from her husband asleep beside her. Successfully she blocks out the snoring and recalls from her dream the passionate kisses, the desire that shook her to the depths of her soul, and passions she feared were lost to her forever.

A chill blankets Cassy. She looks down at her nakedness and sees a tangle of clothing on the floor beside the bed. Oh, no! Cassy remembers everything ... Blue Eyes, as she called him … her indiscretion … No, no, no! How could I have done this?

Cassy must face the consequences of her actions. Her indiscretion touches many people's lives. In one night, with one action, she jeopardizes everything she had always said she wanted most—her home, her husband.

Be beside Cassy when she discovers betrayals. Travel with her as she searches for her truth. Discover if she finds her authenticity. Join her as she seeks happiness. Join Cassy on her life-altering journey.

About the Author

Born and raised in the Midwest, Charlotte Belcher found her passion for writing in her high school English class, through the encouragement and direction of a caring, thoughtful, and engaged teacher. After high school, she began her journey, becoming a wife and then within a few years, a mother, traveling and residing in several locations in the United States and abroad.