Nurturing Wisdom

Daily Inspiration to Be All You Can Be

by Rosalind Sansbury

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/09/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 382
ISBN : 9781452506333

About the Book

Nurturing Wisdom: Daily Inspiration to Be All You Can Be presents a valuable guidebook and a useful tool to use on a daily basis for encouragement. Select a page and read the words as a focus for your day to align with the light, love, and wisdom that resides within you. Nurturing Wisdom provides assistance for all those times when you are going through stress, fear, or pain, and find yourself in need of support. You don’t have to suffer alone.

Sometimes all we need to reconnect with the wisdom and centre of love that resides within us is a nudge to reconnect, to remember, and to become empowered. Author Rosalind Sansbury has offered 365 thoughts that serve as just that inspiring little push. From thoughts on being brave to encouragement to do all things with passion and joy, she gives us the chance to reflect on the idea that will continue us to move us along on our journey of life.

enough to do what sits right

Often we know something we
choose isn’t in harmony with ourselves,
but we choose it to please others.

When this occurs,
we do everyone a disservice,
not honouring our authentic selves.

your authentic self.

with LOVE.

Nurturing Wisdom: Daily Inspiration to Be All You Can Be presents a valuable guidebook and a useful tool to use on a daily basis for encouragement and inspiration. Select a page and read the words as a focus for your day to align with the light, love, and wisdom that resides within you. Nurturing Wisdom provides assistance for those times when you are going through stress, fear, or pain, and find yourself in need of support. You don’t have to suffer alone.

Sometimes all we need to reconnect with the wisdom and centre of love that resides within us is a nudge to reconnect, to remember, and to become empowered. You have the answers within you!

…this book is a daily pathway to peace and a gift to your soul.”

Gina Stamas – Community Director of Adelaide Wellbeing

“Rosalind Sansbury’s words are a call back to the soul. Her book is accessible to anyone, regardless of their spiritual background or learning. For those on the path to remembering Spirit, Nurturing Wisdom will be a good friend in time of need.”

– Bradley McCann, Writer

Through her encouraging gentle words Rosalind helps us embrace our Divine Nature, to celebrate ourselves and our life. The ideal practice to begin the day or complete the day is with these inspirational messages from Rosalind’s Heart to yours.”

- Liz Elliss of Simple Living

About the Author

Rosalind Sansbury is an inspirational teacher, healer, author, and mother, currently living in South Australia. Her passion, joy, and commitment rest in assisting others on their journey to inner peace and empowerment, which comes from a place of love and oneness at the core.