www.elanea.com Book of Thought:
For us to lie to ourselves we have had to reject our belief or turn our back on our self in regards to who we think we really are. We believe that our thoughts are our own. Just because no one can hear us, we think that we are all alone in a room by ourselves. Wrong!
Your thoughts are heard right around this planet. They are soni¬cally registered with what we refer to as the unconscious mind; you are a fractional inheritance of the collective consciousness. Every thought is registered mathematically into a collective inheritance that we must all endure. This is the mirror of the collective mind reflecting back to us, and it is delivered throughout the conscious¬ness of the atmospheric or higher legality system that has been authorized by God or has been mathematically collected to be inherited in the future up into the Laws of the Universe.
Now, can you accept this statement? First of all, your thoughts collect within your own auric force-fields, this then equates with the outer collective where depending on your intuition, we all have the opportunity to unconsciously hear your thinking. There are many of us who are trained in these fields of collective inheritance and we hear these thoughts, every moment of our lives. We call this Telepathic Communication. Think over what I have just said and then I will take you on a Trek of Responsibility.
Book of Death: A near-death experience is you reaching up into your unconscious mind searching for a reprieve to support the level of your own intellect, that you are momentarily in right now. If you cannot find satisfaction on an inner level; the energy keeps on collecting each moment, one moment on top of the next; it becomes an aroused state of mind where you have hopped up to reached the apex of your antenna. Another name we have used as a referral to this experience is a state of Astral travelling, where you wake up as you slip or slide through the boundaries into your unconscious mind.
I refer to this area of your mind as a resting place, where you are being given a second chance at correcting just where your thoughts have, through your innocence, been taken along for the ride.
Once you understand how the Divine Unity of self collects and communicates back to you; you are able to release extra strands of inner strength, which creates a new sense of freedom, for you to go on with the next cycle of life, in its entirety. All of which clears your passages of communication and is where you can freely come back into your body, to extol your thoughts through your own virtues, for you to be delivered up into your next step of intellect.
This experience usually brings itself to your attention and happens to those of you who have over worked your emotions, where your higher mind has delivered you up into the ‘Conduitive Arena’ of your intellect and you are on the way to preparing to give yourself a heart attack. Remember that this vicious killer is through you squeezing all of the joy out of your life. Also many stroke victims are brought into this energy just before the seizure begins; which is created through your stubborn rejection of self. There is no need for you to desire to make a victim out of yourself. Retrain your thinking; it is much easier on your mind and your body.
Book of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence:
The Extra-Terrestrial is your next realm of self; expanding and releasing its way through your body; all through your knowledge releas¬ing and empowering itself. Those beings that you see in your imagination are your genes being reflected back to you through the language of the collective consciousness; through you having reached a zenith, through an alliance of you realizing your truth. Every level that you reach is reflected back to you through your own con-cordance and that concordance is the mathematical mind of the collective consciousness; which by now you know is the ‘unconscious mind’. It is your own wisdom expanding through the freedom that you have earned through both your left/conscious, and right/ subconscious, hemispheres of your brain.
You will begin to see this energy when you have connected to the three minds of the conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds working together. Those three stages of awakening your mind, have collectively been explained through the mythical language of Mythology (my theology or my way of life), and these transcribed stories, are explaining to you the evolution of those ancient Gods of ‘El-AN-EA’.
In other words you are entering up into the unconscious mind; which is where you are introduced up into the world of sonic sound and that sonic sound is an inverted creation of light that com¬mutes its way through the glandular system and gathers up into the neural pathways of your brain.
For those of you who have a love and respect of self; and a belief in the Almighty, this knowledge becomes easier to accept. These worlds awak¬en when your mind is focused and you understand how to know and project yourself. Through the thinking of the left brain, you are under the impression that we are all ‘Alien’ to one another. Through our Soul’s experience we become familiar with this inheritance; which is carried into the right brain, where we can begin to work with one another. Humanity shares the unconscious mind of the planet with one another, through every one of these intellectual ethereal layers.
Thought attracts thought, energy attracts attention and like attracts like. The Law of Attraction spins its web to help us connect to our intelligence; this is the gift that the consciousness returns to us and we as individuals have the ability to share that same uncon¬scious mind with ourselves. It is a nice palace to live in, when you become aware that there is nothing that you do not have an answer for!
Extra-Terrestrials are holographic illusions of what we refer to as time, which automatically warp and create through the enhance¬ment of your layers of thought; this is measured mathematically inside your auric fields. Those fields of energy co-
create through to you in picture form; which is delivered to you from your unconscious mind. It is a co-ordina¬tion of positive light through the unconscious mind releasing itself back to you. We are given the opportunity to expand through exfoliation; we shed our old skin layer-by-layer which allows the cells of our body to regenerate. When all scrubbed up, those cells bring in a new energetic force of life; to become our future consciousness.
Allow me to return to communicate to you in the third person. Every vision that we see through Extra-Terrestrial contact is a metaphor of one of our thoughts reclaiming a Metaphysical exis¬tence. Extra-Terrestrial intelligence has released through the thoughts of our energy working in a positive action. This creates a reaction through our layers of self-endowment, where our thoughts arch up to release the next step into the collective consciousness of self. It is pronouncing to us, our levels of light, which are stimulated through our intellect; in other words they are a thought form. It is our own balanced thinking reliant upon itself; which allows us to enter into an Extra-Terrestrial alignment of intellect.
Do not allow your ego to fear what you have already lived and become! We can all endow this form of hierarchical relationship upon ourselves. When explained through the codes, the word ‘hierarchical’ means: the Higher Arcing of our Intelligence Collecting itself to ascend our Life. Each one of you is the hierar-chical adversity of humanity and when this is understood; you have set the scene to create for yourself the opportunity to become your own spaceship.