Any questions?
Writing Stories from the Other Side generated many questions.
What is the point of this book, what message do I want to convey?
What I really want by writing and publishing Stories from the Other Side as well as the many other books still in their infancy is the same as when coming to see me for private hypnotherapy sessions: helping people achieve comfort and peace of mind, whatever comfort and peace of mind means to them. Being at peace with oneself is truly the key. Yes comfort and inner peace, peace of mind is the goal. How this will be achieved by reading Stories from the Other Side will be up to you. I am presenting you a candle, and you alone can light your way.
Listening to what most people say when talking about death, it is no wonder death is looked upon as the final stage to life. In fact it is simply a transition from life with the encumbrance of all the physical challenges we had planned to experience, back to our place in the Energy Field.
Connecting with the Spirits of dead beings brought the experience of physical death into light. There are two stages to go though once the Spirit has discarded the physical body.
The first stage is staying earthbound, close to home.
When encountering them, earthbound entities (most commonly referred to as ghosts) taught me that best way to get their co-operation is to regard them and treat them as I would should they be in their physical body. That includes respect and most of all making them talk about themselves and let them explain the reason they did not move on to the next plane.
The second stage is returning to the pure Energy Field, a place most commonly known as Eternity, Heaven.
Moving into the Universal Energy, the experience is always the same regardless of religion or lack of it. Reuniting with their Pure Essence, moving into the Energy Field can be compared to swimming under water and then breaking through the surface of the water for a breath of fresh air. It is a portal perceived as a soft bright light. From what I was made to understand, once having broken through it, it is a most exhilarating experience. Then comes reflection of what happened during the life they just left, often realising they were on a treadmill, doing the same thing over and over again.
I did my best to include case studies about all this, only editing personal information to keep the confidentiality of my clients and students intact. Parts of the transcripts have been summarized to remove repeated comments. As well, this chapter has been shortened to accommodate the space allowed for the free preview you have accessed and are reading.
Listening to what the Spirits of the ones who passed away had to share was an enlightening experience, the reason I am publishing Stories from the Other Side. Choosing from thousand of recorded or filmed sessions was not an easy task. I did my best to choose the experiences to enlighten you as well.
When do I see and converse with Spirits? Am I psychic? Did I always possess the psychic abilities I have now? It all depends on how one perceives what it is to be a psychic. Personally, I don't think I am psychic. When choosing to do so I see, feel, hear, and smell what goes on when in a hypnotic trance facilitating one on one hypnotherapy sessions.
The clearest connection I experience is when I am a surrogate in a deep hypnotic trance during what we call remote or surrogate sessions, a virtual healing modality I developed decades ago. In fact, it is giving the client who requested the session a reading to heal or correct what is going on with themselves or with someone else. The information regarding the person dead or alive, land or places comes from a non-physical source. In that modality, any psychic interference becomes crystal clear, including spells.
As you are reading Stories of the Other Side, please forgive my syntax which is not always easy to follow. English is the fifth language I learned to speak, and my choice of words is directly connected to the ease of pronunciation. This book is in English, the language in which it was first published, since the training I took, and still take was and is in English. Having lived on three continents and experiencing the cultures of Europe, Africa and North America, I developed a unique way of explaining the inexplicable....
NAME, my Editor did an excellent job of keeping a comfortable balance between my syntax and making my message clear and easy for you to understand. I am grateful as she skilfully polished the way I express myself in proper English, keeping intact my personal writing style.