The Atema

The Enlightened Ones

by Robyn Adams

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/11/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 350
ISBN : 9781504322010
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 350
ISBN : 9781504321983

About the Book

The time returns. We are the ones we have been awaiting. Wisdom is timeless and returns periodically to those whose role it is to teach a new generation of spiritual seekers about the wisdom of the ancient races. The Atema have returned to their ancient home in New Zealand, a spiritually advanced land whose inhabitants are ready to heed the call to awaken. Their village was last destroyed in 186 AD when a further great explosion occurred around Lake Taupo, and now a call has gone out for the dimensionally trapped inhabitants to gather and be released from suspended animation. However,some choose to stay to assist the new wave of Enlightened Ones finding their way to New Zealand for the great Time Shift ceremony of July 1992. Together they embark on a great journey of teaching and discovery of ancient history.

About the Author

Robyn Adams has visited dozens of sacred sites and participated in many global spiritual ceremonies during the past thirty years. She spent quite some time in New Zealand during the 1990s as that land was prepared for its future role in the world. Her books are 'factitious', meaning part factual and part fiction. It is up to the reader to choose as they travel in her footsteps.