Our feelings are energy in motion.
I have discovered that energy is everywhere and everything is energy; with every thought and act we put into this world there is a result of creating a wave, which attracts a reacting force and causes amplification of what we bring into our life.
I often find I need to withdraw from all that is around me-struggling with the intensity of energy taken on throughout the day-particularly if I have been amongst large crowds or in the presence of negative people and situations.
I have found I am no longer interested in, or make time to watch mainstream television, finding the programmes are mindless and don’t hold my attention.
The news and current affairs sensationalise the bad events in the world, further affecting my energy.
An article brought to my awareness that when feeling the need to pull away- “this is the soul trying to come through, it needs you to be alone so you can feel and/or hear, allowing it to communicate and emerge”.
Suddenly, my feelings made sense.
When I feel fatigued and overwhelmed I realise I need to be alone.
This is for my self-care.
I need to allow this time as the isolated space refreshes me.
Alone time is required to receive the guidance that allows me to serve myself and others.
I care deeply for this world and the people in it, and make sure I keep in touch with reality to ensure I have awareness in the issues that are real.
To protect myself I do not allow the negative projections of the media or others to bring fear to my personal space.
I have personally found music is also an important part of life and live by a belief that the energy in the tunes, which resonate in each of us has a physical effect on our brain.
As quoted by Marilyn Manson-“Music is the strongest form of Magic”-and this has certainly seemed to ring very true throughout my journey.
It is a fact that science is finding evidence for positive effects in creativity, mood, learning and energy levels, among other things.
Interestingly, it has also been discovered the choice in genre of music can distinguish certain traits of individual personalities.
As explained earlier, music seemed to connect my hubby and I in the earliest part of our relationship, and this has remained a guiding force so often in our daily life.
It is uncanny how I have often found a power in music which unexplainably seems to connect events and people in divine moments.
As I have moved through the upheavals and changes that have come my way, music has been a constant thread, which has contributed to my feeling and healing.
Music is also a sign that often appears in most timely ways-when I wake from a dream or find myself in distress-a tune on the radio can randomly bring lyrics that offer comfort and support most unexpectedly.
A profound moment for me-after some spiritual struggles-came in the form of guidance through music, when the song 'All fired up' by Pat Benatar-brought to me wisdom in the extract of lyrics as follow:
“Now I believe there comes a time
When everything just falls in line
We live an' learn from our mistakes
The deepest cuts are healed by faith”
The human journey is a complex one and I believe allowing ourselves to feel and ride the emotions of every incident in our lives is our guidance system.
Finding the calm through meditation has led to exploring and learning about myself, and to my surprise I have discovered everything has come back to the emotions experienced, in both good and bad situations.
I realised the feelings we suppress and/or allow throughout our life influence us, and along with opinions and judgement of others, this contributes to how we accept ourselves and our expectations from life.
I have learnt that the way we view this life and all that affects us, largely controls the choices we make and who we become.
There is no escape from feeling–if we choose to fight against what we feel it gets locked up inside and festers, until at some point we have health issues or other events that bring it to our attention.
It is freeing to find peace with your feelings.
Accepting myself and what I feel as normal has given me a new outlook to allow myself to just be.
I have chosen to keep a little piece of magic in my heart and maintained a belief in the fairy-tales, despite often being told to stop dreaming and “there are no fairy-tales in life”.
I knew there was something bigger to trust in and I kept faith in that.
The past few years I have slowly allowed the universe to show me that what I knew was true.
Trusting in myself and what I felt along the way has been difficult at times, but the truth I have ultimately discovered is it will never let me down.
“We are all ordinary people finding our way in an extraordinary world”