The Passionate Long Walk to the Awakening of a New Life
Book Details
About the Book
To carve a path in the wilderness in the area of disability and to bring change, requires a compassionate heart and a suit of armour to deflect the arrows. When faced with a problem that others call totally impossible, there is always some part of it within your ability to handle, and often you will be surprised to find that dealing with one insignificant aspect in the complexity of the problem will turn the tide. New forces and sources from “out of the blue” will rescue you. Step out in faith, one step at a time and you will see a miracle. Katherine Steele is one of the most amazing women I have ever spoken to. Katherine’s knowledge of Asperger’s syndrome is like no other account I have ever read. Katherine brings her reader with her throughout the heart wrenching hills and valleys of a mother’s journey through her child’s pain as well as a mother’s despair. I have never met a woman such as Katherine, and consider myself a lucky person to have been able to read her words as she was creating them. Katherine is an amazing woman who will inspire others when they feel “I can’t” with “Oh yes you can love, I did.” So many children fall into the autism spectrum, this mother’s journey can help so many mothers through theirs. Katherine’s words tell the reader “Yes I understand, I have been there and I am here with you now.” A Must Read. Tina Colbert – Balboa Press There are heroes in life and having known Katherine and Lourdes, they are my heroes. Their story is captivating, informative and uplifting. Professor Tony Attwood
About the Author
Katherine Steele is a mother to four children, grandmother to nine and great-grandmother to one. Her expertise lies in the lifelong lessons learned of raising a daughter with Asperger’s Autism. From tragic beginnings with her daughter, who is now an independent adult, she can look back on the struggle of the last forty-two years with pride and a sure knowledge she took the right path.