Coming full circle through changes, challenges and transitions

a four quadrant process for living the examined life

by Ione Jenson

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/03/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781504328593
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781504328579

About the Book

Coming Full Circle through Changes, Challenges, and Transitions offers a workable program for dealing with life’s inevitable challenges. From the daily bumps to the devastating and unthinkable events that can assail us, there is a way through that leaves us stronger, wiser, and oftentimes able to see life through a larger perspective. Our seemingly small lives also carry the seed for changing more than our own small personal world; they can grow in influence and change those around us as we consciously evolve and model a triumphant spirit.

About the Author

Ione Jenson has been a teacher, school administrator, and counselor in grades K–12. She was a co-owner and director of the Holo Center of Idaho Inc. in Hayden Lake, Idaho, for twenty-three years, where she was also a spiritual counselor. She is both a student and teacher of many alternative therapies, helping people to live a more integrated life in body, mind, and spirit. She currently lives in Molalla, Oregon, with her husband, Asa. Ione’s son, Charles, his wife, Pamela, and the family’s two granddaughters, Olivia and Emma, live nearby. She now spends her time writing, enjoying her grandchildren and continuing her own journey of learning, growing and teaching from the heart.