8 Weeks to Enlightenment

Igniting Your Passion

by H. Richard McKnight

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/05/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781504349758

About the Book

If you follow the exercises outlined in this book, you will come to an understanding of who you are. You will awaken your spiritual self and expand the feeling of “aliveness.” It will help you to deal with fear, anger, and other emotions that show us that we are stuck. You will start to welcome these emotions as signposts. It will increase the passion with which you are able to live your life. You will be able to experience joy every day. Peace will be yours. You will feel a greater connection to others. Your life will have purpose. Your confidence will increase. You will experience a rebirth. Sound too good to be true? Read on—it’s as close as your very breath. You will be left wondering, How did I miss this.

About the Author

The author spent most of his life pursuing spiritual activities—meditation, yoga, joining spiritual communities, and trying various religions only to find that if you do not think of yourself as enlightened, then you are not. This book is a condensation of the author’s journey on the spiritual path and the discovery that unless emotional issues are dealt with you can only go so far toward being your true self. Doing this work allows for deep, inner and lasting change. Through this he has become intuitive, spontaneous, energized, peaceful, and happy.