Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse

What Happened before the Big Bang?

by David Bertolacci

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/08/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781452584195
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781452584218

About the Book

Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse: What Happened before the Big Bang? is more than a theory of how the universe began. It is the realization of a larger reality from which its creation was made possible. It is the perception of a universal consciousness as it begins to awaken to its true surroundings. Our universe is rooted in a bigger reality, which it must overcome. As we shall see through our modern scientific context, this new model of something greater than the universe will help us solve the mysteries about our universe that we have sought throughout the ages. This is the Omniverse.

Modern science has given us accurate predictions, precise mathematical theories, and countless observations to shape our view of the universe. Throughout the years, discoveries made were like pieces of a puzzle. Some of the latest pieces include the July 4, 2012 observations of the Higgs boson and dark matter. Like separate pieces of a puzzle, we shall see how each part fits together to complete the picture. The Omniverse is the big picture. It is the puzzle pieces arranged together to form the model.

The model of the Omniverse is actually quite simple. It consists of a diagram small enough to write on a Post-it note. But what it means to us is huge. It is the universe’s path to ascension, described as the Grand Slam. If our entire universe is just the size of a baseball, then picture the stadium, parking lots, and surrounding areas as higher dimensions of the Omniverse.

The Omniverse is more than just a new scientific proposal. It is information that awakens us to greater surroundings followed by a new era of scientific discovery. This model will have us dropping assumptions of what humanity knows thus far and realizing infinite possibilities.

About the Author

David Bertolacci is a Professional Geologist. He studied geology with emphasis on crystallography and geochemistry and earned a Master’s Degree in 2009 in environmental science. Geology and Environmental Science were just a start for the path of acquiring knowledge about our universe. He has always asked the question about the how the creation of the Universe unfolded. He gained knowledge of the universe for nearly two decades by self-studying astronomy, physics, materials science and many spiritual concepts. His combination of logical methods with a spiritual approach led to the scientific proposal of the Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse being molded into existence. When this work was set forth, he believed we could make the Omniverse model into a reality. With this book, he did.