What do you wish you could change in you? If you could change anything about you, what would that be? Would you choose to be more outgoing or more jovial and content? Maybe less frustrated and angry? Maybe healthier and more peaceful? Maybe able to let go of worry, once and for all, and learn to trust the Christ-Mind? Well, you can do all that! You can engineer it! Oh, I can hear it now: “Yeah, right; I’ve tried. Still trying!” Yes, and some of us can be very trying. You gotta get over that. Your job is to grow your Self, to create a positive effect for Self, family, and your local community.
Most likely, all of us have heard that the Chinese character for problem also stands for opportunity. We all know that our perception is our reality. As we make it, so we have it. So, most “problems” are really “opportunities” waiting to be discovered. We each have a choice to live each minute of the day as we desire. We are always at a point of choice: either love or fear. We get to choose which we’ll experience. Thus, we create our own inner world by our choices. We really do live in our own little mental world; our world can be filled with problems, challenges and struggles, or we can get up each morning and choose an inner world filled with terrific opportunities, solutions and new ad-ventures! Are you eager to find your opportunities today?
You get to choose; both sides of the coin are there for your choosing, and the one you choose is the experience you’ll have today. We really do know that, don’t we? Unity teaches that it’s not enough to know Truth; we’re to live it. Ah, but how? How can we change Self to be the person we’ve always wanted to be? How can we demonstrate our love more and more? How can we have a positive impact on the world around us? Often, we stop ourselves in achieving greatness because we believe less of ourselves than the Divine-Mind does. Our God-given abilities and powers can achieve greater works than we can believe.
I’ve been to Florence, Italy, and the beauty of artwork there is spectacular! It shows what people can achieve. Michelangelo worked on some-thing like forty-five statues in his life, but only finished fourteen. We are familiar with the ones he completed, such as David, in the city-square in Florence, and Moses. The ones he never finished are also very interesting. In one huge chunk of marble, he sculpted an elbow, the beginning of a wrist, but the rest of the human form is still locked in the marble. On another piece, a leg is out: thigh, knee, calf, heel, ankles, and toes, but the rest of the body is still frozen in marble and will never come out. When I thought of these unfinished blocks, it occurred to me that, of all the tragedies in life, one of the biggest happens when a person lives and dies without even knowing his or her possibilities. Have you developed all your potential? What new possibilities could you develop this week?