Empowered Living

A Guide to Being Your True Self

by Antoinette Levine

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/05/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 306
ISBN : 9781452546674
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 306
ISBN : 9781452546667
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 306
ISBN : 9781452546681

About the Book

“Antoinette has written a very readable book of extraordinary insight and creative expression
about the seven human levels of spiritual awakening and growth. Following this book’s journey
from healthy ego development to soul dominance will lead you Home.”

Jacquelyn Small
author of Awakening in Time, Becoming A Practical Mystic,
and The Sacred Purpose of Being Human

Let this Life-Guide Handbook Rekindle Your Heart’s Wisdom

· Reframe “Old Ways of Thinking” into Powerful Perspectives

· Reduce Stress and Simplify Your Life

· Embrace Living as a Creative Process

· Realize the Inner-Outer Reality Connection

· Manifest the Life You Want

Antoinette Levine writes an intimate and stunning tale of return from near-death and her recovery from the ravages of strokes and lupus. Interwoven with her personal story is a lifetime of knowledge gained through immersion in the study of spiritual metaphysics and self development. The author experienced success as a dean’s list student of psychology and journalism, later an accomplished film industry professional.

Inspirational messages offered in seven guided stages reflect Antoinette’s cumulative experience. Artful teachings of our life processes draw upon the chakra system as a template for transformation and self-growth.

This book invites you to discover inner peace, wisdom and the freedom that living in alignment with Source brings. Explore the depths of your soul with self-inquiry exercises and distill what works for you. Rise up and rediscover your life purpose and the gifts you came to share.

“We all possess an innate strength to face challenges and thrive beyond adversity. Reclaim your Inner Power joyfully, utilizing this book as your guide. As you experience inner clearing work and remember Who You Really Are, uncaused joy awakens. Joy is our divine right. I staked my life on this Truth and returned to live and share it!”

About the Author

Antoinette Levine is an evolutionary-elder, who helps world servers, change agents, and holistic practitioners embody their meaningful aliveness. Enamored with MamaGaia, she resides on a forested island in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Antoinette’s emersion in Eastern philosophy, spiritual metaphysics and consciousness began in earnest at 18. Majoring in psychology while attending the University of California at Santa Barbara, she began para-professional counseling at 19 – which activated a lifelong passion to assist others on their self-development path. She continued para-professional counseling and self-growth encounter group facilitation at the University of Southern California. Her USC B.A. in Journalism and Public Relations led to a thirty-six year career in the media and film industries. Ms. Levine’s leadership abilities were further catalyzed while team organizing and mentoring emerging film industry professionals. Now, a spiritual life coach and certified Purpose Guide™ – Antoinette joyfully walks her service-oriented dharma-path. www.AntoinetteLevine.com