Exerpt from Chapter 2:
The secret to showing up as a “wealthy creator, is that we use our creativity consciously. Many of these 60,000 thoughts are subconscious. We have subconscious programs that we are exposed to and they wind up impregnating our minds. One instance of this is that these are implanted when we are consciously doing one thing, like grocery shopping, and in the background, there is music playing and the lyrics from a song can get embedded and encoded to play over and over in our minds as we are focused elsewhere. Have you ever had that time in your life where you could not get a song out of your head? A few come to my mind, but I prefer not to remind you or put any tunes in your head at this point. You get the idea with this. So as creators of our lives, we have a unique opportunity to retrain our brains to serve us better. What do I mean by this? We have the right to unlearn the things that may be holding us back from greatness. One great method of letting go is the Sedona Method. And there are many others that can be found. The first area of unlearning will reduce the drama in your life. Unlearning metaphors, phrases and thoughts that do not serve you are a key to your growth. Mind your speech and truly “say what you mean”. For instance, if you accomplished two things at one time, say it just this way. Do not say “I killed two birds with one stone”. It may sound more dramatic, but energetically it does not please God or the birds for that matter. Saying, “I am between a rock and a hard place” , sets us up for a life of no options. It would be better to say something more pure that serves you. “ It has been a challenge, but one that I willingly overcome”. When it comes to conversation and expressing ourselves to others, remember it is your right to express yourself anyway that you want to. Most people look at what others do and then society is a remix of average thinkers. Take time to craft what you really want to communicate as a high level wealthy conscious creator. The 2nd area to unlearn, is multi-tasking. I know that some women may not agree with this, however I would like you to consider times were you lost your keys or forgot something or something fell through the cracks. These occurrences materialized because you were unconsciously creating. Your keys were unconsciously lost and now your trying to consciously find them. Let us first define multi-tasking so that we are both on the same song sheet. Simply, not giving all 100% of your conscious attention to one activity.
A great example of multitasking’s fallacy is texting and driving. This has proven time and again to be a deadly combination. Oprah started a massive campaign to commit to putting your cell phone in the trunk while your driving to your destination and I whole heartedly agree. We tempt fate by attempting multiple tasks. It gives us a false sense that maybe I can put my lipstick on, change the radio and drive all at the same time. For a time we are successful at it.This is where some of our subconscious programs are embedded. We think we can do two, three or four things at a time. Suffice it to say, as a conscious creator we can do one thing well at a time, and the other tasks will get left up to the subconscious. The other aspect of tasks two, three and four are that they tend not to be completed and therefore get registered in the brain as incomplete and clog up our conscious attention. When we have 10, 20 or 100s of things uncomplete or in the background of our minds, it is a recipe for what we call , “overwhelm” . Why is it that we feel this way? It is mainly due to the fact that we do not take our conscious creations and appropriate actions to a stage of completion. So how do we get rid of all this “brain clutter”?Sometimes a trip outside to communicate with nature is a good “natural” break in the overwhelm scenario. When you come back and look at it again, most times the most pressing items will remain fresh and the items that were least important might have been lost from your conscious recollection. Why is this all important? As a wealthy creative person, you need a new system. After all, you are a new born wealthy creative adult. Let’s make an analogy for how we could show up and be wealthy and creative. Our creation process is at its very formation akin to blowing up a balloon.
This is the end of the excerpt. To read on and learn more about the creative process, buy "Your Creativity Unleashed" today.