Angel Pennies

“A Healing Reflection”

by Laura L

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/30/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 44
ISBN : 9781504385015
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 44
ISBN : 9781504385022

About the Book

Angel Pennies is a healing reflection, divine guidance, and intervention from God about dealing with grief from death sent through the healing and love of his special Penny Angels and their gift of a penny angel’s comfort pillow heart.

About the Author

Author Laura LeBeouf experienced first-hand the loss of a grandfather and father at an early age. Because she was shielded from the experience of death at an early age, facing death became painful and confusing. Because of her empathetic gifts and sensitivity, visiting funeral homes became difficult as accepting one’s transition into the spiritual world. Upon graduation with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Masters degree in Education, the author began a career as a teacher and sports coach and later a principal at a high risk poverty high school in Louisiana. During her work as an educator, she came face to face and had to relive her father’s death through the face of a penny. After reading an article in “Angels on Earth” about death and pennies, the author experienced her own spiritual connection with her father in the penny trail he left . It was not until the death of one of her most beloved students that she realized that the true purpose of Angel Pennies was about saving our youth from self-destruction when faced with a death of a loved one. This book was written to aid children in the transition process of death and provide comfort and understanding that the spirit will continue to live.